
Difference Between Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms

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Difference Between Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms
When the topic of Canadian rights and freedoms is discussed it is quite facile to state that we are well protected by legislation. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms secures our democratic rights, equality rights, legal rights as well as freedom of religion, and freedom of expression. Although, it is quite unfortunate that Animals are not given a legislation to protect them as well. It is true that they do not have a voice but even without saying a word it is visible that they are being stripped of the rights that they are entitled to. Animals do not exist for the purpose of clothing us, entertaining us and for testing out dangerous products before we get the final result. They are beautiful and majestic living beings, their hearts …show more content…
By doing so Canada will join one of the many places around the world including Germany and Switzerland, as these countries have progressed ahead of North America when it comes to addressing animal rights and freedoms. It is unfortunate that these legislations have to be made in the first place as humans should we able to tell right from wrong by now. Although mistreatment of animals can be witnessed in a majority of places around the world including Canada itself. One of the biggest displays of animal cruelty in Canada takes place at one of Niagara Falls own main attraction known as Marineland. “Aquariums and marine-mammal theme parks like Sea World, the Miami Seaquariumand, and Canada’s Marineland are part of a billion-dollar industry built on the suffering of intelligent, social beings who are denied everything that is natural and important to them” (p. 1). To take majestic aquatic animals and enclose them in a small body of water in which they are forced to spend the rest of their life is torture. What makes it even more wrongful is that the act is not necessary in anyway but is committed anyway not only for our own pleasure but for our entertainment. This is faulty on many levels that we as humans should know it is unacceptable but, instead turn a blind eye towards …show more content…
The second flaw of the circus is that they unwillingly permanently hired animals without permission. The third flaw is that the circus makes a profit off of these animals while the animals are paid with torture and isolation for the rest of their lives. The last and greatest flaw is that all of this is done for entertainment purposes. If legislations were put in place circuses would not be able to continue operating this way. In fact, Circuses are not in need of animals at all as they are not a part of the circus but are instead slaves to the circus. “Laws protecting animals in traveling shows are inadequate and poorly enforced. The Animal Welfare Act establishes only minimum guidelines and even these meager standards are often ignored” (p. 1). The circus is a cooperation thus they should only be able to hire willing members. It should be made illegal to have anyone or anything work under them without written consent. This law might baffle many people as they will be confused with how an animal could give written consent but that is the point itself as their place is not a circus. “Children, who are naturally fond of animals, would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the circus if they knew of the suffering these animals endure for a fleeting moment of so- called amusement” (p. 1). Thus, as the circus’s target audience is children with young unaware

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