The IPv4 was created decades ago before technology ruled the world. IPv4 works on thirty-two bits binary system that depends on an address class. Four billion IP addresses seemed like an enormous amount when the system was built. However, smartphones, laptops, televisions, cars and other devices were created,which helped make a shortage of IP addresses. One of the problems is that, addresses are reserved in a company’s system that may not use them for future expansion.Those addresses are just sitting and other companies can not use them.This helps cause shortages and gaps in IP addresses being assigned. In Contrast, IPv6 was rolled out to help with the shrinking number of IP addresses. IPv6 works on a hundred twenty-eight bit hexadecimal system, where numbers and alphabets are used to make up the addresses. This gives the system the ability to support more than three hundred-forty undecillion IP addresses. People in the technology world thinks this will be enough space for decades to …show more content…
IPv4 was developed decades ago when transferring personal information, account numbers and credit card numbers over the internet was not a thought. Therefore, sufficient security measures were not created in the design. The standard security for IPv4 is the Internet Protocol System that encrypts packets at the network layer. The redirection of traffic between two legitimate hosts makes it easier for an attacker to control the conversation. IPv4 uses protocols like DHCP,DNS,HTTP, SIP,LDAP and ARP and different address types such as Unicast, multicast and broadcast. Unincast is a single interface of an address. Muilticast send data from a single computer to multiplie destinations.Data is sent to all possible destination in the broadcast address. IPv4 do not have a built in security system, but an option for implementations. The user has to install and implement their security. The problem is most people do not know the danger their computers face, which makes the installation of a security system not important. While IPv4 security is an option, IPv6 security is built into the design. A standard component is the end-to-end encryption and integrity check, that allows data to reach the correct destination.Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) was replaced with Neighbor Discovery Protocol (ND) that allows the local interface identifier (ID) to be used across the network. Except for broadcast messages, IPv6