Leadership Term Paper: Excerpt
If the role of situations is vital in matters of self-control, how much more significant must it be in connection with social control and leadership. If "character varies from situation to situation," then it is fair to assume that leadership likewise varies. Consistency of behavior is doubtless a leadership trait, but behavior may vary according to situations, even on the part of any person. A person may be generally consistent in some situations and inconsistent in others. It is apparently necessary, therefore, to study situations in relation to personality reactions in order to account for ability, or for failure, to lead.
Leadership Term Papers: Excerpt
Situational leadership often explains leadership unevenness. A person may use leadership technique in a situation for which it is not intended with the result that it does not work well, or it fails. Every after dinner speaker has told more than one joke which he thought appropriate but which "fell flat," because there were situational factors that the speaker did not suspect. Whenever a situation contains factors that a leader does not take into consideration, his leadership is endangered. A wise leader "knows his situations," or else his leadership displays much unevenness.
Leadership Research Paper: Excerpt
The situational nature of leadership explains why a leader sometimes seems to contradict