. Martian Luther King Jr. activism would make the most sense to use in 1960s America. Both Malcolm x and Martian Luther King helped shape the black community but both took different routes. Malcolm X condoned violence as using any means necessary, and Martian Luther King he condoned nonviolence. As for Martian he believed that blacks and whites should be equal but Malcolm didn't, he believed that whites were inferior to blacks.…
Racism, segregation, and Unfair treatment thrive two great leaders to make a difference; Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. Dr. King used religious background to influence his campaign in civil disobedience influenced by Gandhi's methods of nonviolence. Whereas Malcolm X wanted to completely split from the white America altogether with the black panther party. However, MLK proved to be more appealing through his use of pathos and logos to convey universal togetherness along with non-violent protesting.…
MLK and Malcolm X Essay MLK and Malcolm X were two prominent figures in the civil rights movement of the 1960s, each advocating for the rights of African Americans but differing approaches. I think that MLK speech made the most sense for the civil rights in the 1960’s because he really pushed America to be better than it was before. MLK believed in nonviolent civil disobedience and integration, emphasizing love, peace, and unity among all races. On the other hand, Malcolm X supported self defense, separatism, and empowerment through black nationalism. Malcolm X’s philosophy of self defense and separatism focused on empowering African Americans and creating a strong, independent community.…
The vastly different early backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. had major impacts on their goal to achieve equality between all races. Martin was born and raised in a middle-class, well-educated family, in which his family provided their children with “the basic necessities of life,” and important role-models of the race for them to follow. Religion was the center of his life growing up and his parents raised him with strong values of self-worth. Throughout King’s life, he always stood his ground, encouraged nonviolence and supported passive resistance. Martin always stood out because despite having been physically attacked, he never reacted with violence.…
When asked to compare the similarities and differences of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, it is shown that all though they had some different ideas, they used many similar speaking techniques known as Rhetorical devices. Through the uses of Rhetorical Devices and appeals, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were able to acquire a position of power. Many people believe Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. were opposites because of their tactics, based on the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. was kind and peaceful, and Malcolm was aggressive yet effective, it’s obvious that they both wanted the same thing. Which was better? Stay tuned to find out.…
Malcolm x and Martin Luther King Jr. are both powerful leaders. Malcolm X believed in violence and Martin Luther King believed in nonviolence. These two leader shared belief and hopes but they also had their differences. Malcolm X was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19, 1925. Malcolm did not believe in nonviolence or advocate integration. (Harold 610) He attracted black people’s attention and was eloquent, passionate, and a courageously out spoken champion of black people and a critic of American racism.…
Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were important figures in Civil Rights and race equality, and both were active in the same time era. However, despite advocating for the same idea (rights for African Americans), Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had very different ideas on how exactly they would try to establish their ideas and expand their base of followers/supporters. This paper is to define their differences and similarities, while providing some background into both Malcolm X’s and Martin Luther King Jr’s and discussing how the differences in their upbringing may have influenced their ideals in their spokesperson career.…
The civil rights leaders Malcolm X and Martin Luther King JR. in their respective arguments “The Ballot or the bullet” and “Letter from Birmingham Jail” argue the injustice that is segregation. Malcolm X was a Muslim minister who advocated for the civil rights of the African American race that at the time was oppressed. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister who advocated for the same cause but with a peaceful approach. X used his influence to bring about much needed change in the American society. MLK brought attention to the civil rights movement by using non-violent tactics to show the racist white people as the ones in the wrong. King argues that a peaceful resolution can be reached with the help of people that are willing to practice civil disobedience. Malcolm X asserts that although peaceful resolution would be preferred people should fight back of the occasion calls for it instead of being stepped all over.…
Throughout history, the African Americans were treated unequally than other races and just wanted equality for the blacks. The key people that actually stood up for their rights To get equality for the blacks and they were Martin Luther King and Malcolm x. They both had the same goals which were getting freedom for the black people but had different strategies to achieve their goals. Martin Luther King and Malcolm x had totally different upbringing.…
Malcolm x and Martin Luther King, notorious civil rights leader, became idols to African- American culture and have an immense impact of African-Americans. During this era the movement was established to secure African Americans equal access to and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of U.S. citizenship. African American men and women, along with whites, organized and led the movement at national and local levels. They pursued their goals through legal means, negotiations, petitions, and violent protest demonstrations. The backgrounds of both men were largely responsible for their approach to American racism and the civil right movement. Malcolm x and Martin Luther King both had different approaches; Martin Luther King Jr., the African- America Gandhi, and his supporters, possessed the non-violent ideologies. However, Malcolm x preached his revolutionary attitudes toward Whites. He encouraged Blacks to stand up and fight for their liberation. Both philosophy leaders were effective, but Martin Luther king Jr. was able to get the point across efficiently. For my sources I’ll be using: digital history, ‘Where We Are Going’ Dr Martin Luther King Jr. 1967 book, workers world Malcolm x and the global black struggle Abayomi Azikiwe, and Dr Martin Luther ‘I have a dream’ speech.…
Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X’s understandings of racial inequality and their probable solutions, I believe they held conflicting views on resolutions for racial inequality based on their attitudes toward Whites. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated for the integration of African Americans and Whites, while Malcolm X advocated for the separation of the two races. I believe their viewpoints concerning the previous statement influenced their solution to end the problem of racial…
To overcome oppression, Martin Luther King Jr. pursued it with nonviolence, while Malcolm X, believed the only way to achieve freedom was though violence. Both men believed it was imperative that something be done, however their ideas of obtaining freedom were polar opposites. Martin Luther King Jr. always made it a point to argue how violence is immoral and through the use of a number of biblical references to reach his audience he made sure everyone could understand. Malcolm X’s opinion was centered mostly on pointing fingers, blaming someone and Black Nationalism. The contrasted views of these men, alludes to a divided community, either supportive of a peaceful solution or ready to bare arms against the white man to reach integration.…
The PBS video, “Malcolm and the Civil Rights Movement” is important in showing the varying views of both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. The video makes it well evident that both men were striving for the same end result, which was “defeating white racism and empowering African Americans. However, as the video explains, while both men had the same destination in mind, they both sought different journeys to get there.…
When people hear the name Malcolm X, the first thing that comes to their mind is “extremist.” But in fact, he was a teacher. Malcolm X taught Blacks to think for themselves and not allow others to think for them. He did not want Blacks believing everything that the “blonde hair, blue eyed devil” said. He educated them that everything that the newspaper said, was not real, as they should not be convinced that it was. He strongly emphasized his point in saying, “And as soon as they put the word American in there, that was supposed to lend it some respectability or legality.” Throughout his life experiences and constant reading and studying, he teaches the Black community to guard their minds against the tricks of the press. This analysis will explore Malcolm X, his purpose of speaking to the crowd, and his…
Malcolm X was, well, a lot different. As Martin was remembered by everyone happily, most people tried to forget Malcolm. After being sent to prison for drug use he was converted to Islam and prior to that was pro segregation. But after his pilgrimage to Mecca decided that he wanted to be treated equally. Malcolm was known for his boldness, he is often tagged with the quote “To do whatever it takes.” Meaning that he would do whatever it took to be considered equal. This usually led to less peaceful acts of protesting, plus he was more interested in spreading “black pride”. He was assassinated by members of the Black Muslim movement on February 21, 1965.…