What are the advantages of active immunizing agents?
1/ Explain the difference between passive and active immunity. Please list two examples of each. Active immunity occurs when a person develops a permanent immunity to a disease, while passive immunity occurs when a person develops a short-term immunity, both active and passive immunity can be natural or artificial. Artificial active immunity is induced by a vaccine. The vaccine stimulates a primary response against the antigens of the disease without causing symptoms. Infoplease further explains that artificially acquired passive immunity results from short-term immunizations. Naturally acquired passive immunity occurs during pregnancy when antibodies are passed from the maternal bloodstream to the fetal bloodstream. Immunity is defined as an organism's ability to identify and destroy foreign substances and organisms. Mammals are protected by non-specific barriers, such as skin that protect against all foreign substances, and the highly specific response of antibodies. Example: A vaccine to prevent hepatitis B would be given to you beforehand for your body to prevent the actual disease from occurring. …show more content…
The advantages of active immunizing agents are long protected, less costly. vActive immunization involves administration of vaccines containing antigenic molecules (or genes for these molecules) derived from infectious agents. As a result, vaccinated animals mount acquired immune responses and develop prolonged, strong immunity to those agents. When properly used, vaccines are highly effective in controlling infectious diseases. The advantages of active vaccines may contain either living or killed organisms or purified antigens from these organisms. Vaccines containing living organisms tend to trigger the best protective