Surface Barriers: Skin and Mucosae 1. Describe surface membrane barriers and their protective functions.
Internal Defenses: Cells and Chemicals 2. Explain the importance of phagocytosis and natural killer cells in innate body defense. 3. Describe the inflammatory process. Identify several inflammatory chemicals and indicate their specific roles. 4. Name the body’s antimicrobial substances and describe their function. 5. Explain how fever helps protect the body.
6. Define antigen and describe how antigens affect the adaptive defenses. 7. Define complete antigen, hapten, and antigenic determinant.
Cells of the Adaptive Immune System: An Overview 8. Compare and contrast the origin, maturation process, and general function of B and T lymphocytes. 9. Define immunocompetence and self-tolerance, and describe their development in B and T lymphocytes. 10. Name several antigen-presenting cells and describe their roles in adaptive defenses.
Humoral Immune Response 11. Define humoral immunity. 12. Describe the process of clonal selection of a B cell. 13. Recount the roles of plasma cells and memory cells in humoral immunity. 14. Compare and contrast active and passive humoral immunity. 15. Describe the structure of an antibody monomer, and name the five classes of antibodies. 16. Explain the function(s) of antibodies and describe clinical uses of monoclonal antibodies.
Cell-Mediated Immune Response 17. Follow antigen processing in the body. 18. Define cell-mediated immunity and describe the process of activation and clonal selection of T cells. 19. Describe T cell functions in the body. 20. Indicate the tests ordered before an organ transplant is done, and methods used to prevent transplant rejection.
Homeostatic Imbalances of Immunity 21. Give examples of immune deficiency diseases and of