Explain the difference in lymphatic function in health and disease
The lymphatic system can also be known as the immune system. White blood cells are located near places where there could be pathogens entering, such as the tonsils. They are found in these places because they protect entry into the body. If pathogens do try to enter then the white blood cells will become activated and will attack the area of infection. They become activated when the dendritic cell engulfs neutrophils which contain the remains of pathogens that they have killed. The dendritic cells travel in lymph to the lymph nodes where it is chemically directed to co-operate with T helper cells that have receptors that are able to recognise proteins from …show more content…
They recognise the same protein that activated T cells. B cells produce antibodies that are the same as T cell receptors as they precisely recognise the protein belonging to the pathogen. The antibodies are then released from the B cells into the blood. They will then meet the pathogen and attach themselves onto it. Killer T cells activate as well if the pathogen is a virus. This enables another series of events which will destroy bacteria. When the bacteria are destroyed, the activated dendritic cells remain in lymph nodes and the B cells remain in contact with it, co-operating with it to ensure that the immunity is conserved. When the human body is healthy, the immune system has many cells ready to activate in case of an infection. When the battle is done, the cells will then deactivate slowly and some …show more content…
Lymphoid tissue is located in many organs, especially the lymph nodes and in the lymphoid follicles such as the tonsils. Lymphoid tissues consist of lymphocytes and other types of cells for support in case of disease. The lymphatic system also included specialized structures for the production of lymphocytes and also for circulation. Lymph nodes produce the white blood cells that are more commonly known as lymphocytes. These are formed by the thymus, bone marrow and spleen. The first type of lymphocyte is the ones that attach to invading microbes. They do this directly whilst others make antibodies that circulate in the blood and attack microbes. When micro-organisms attack the body, antigens are transported to the lymph. The lymph is then carried through the lymph vessels to different regional lymph nodes. The lymph nodes contain macrophages and dendritic cells ingest the antigens, process them and show the antigens to lymphocytes. They can then start making antibodies or serve as memory cells. Memory cells are used to recognize particular antigens in the future, in time of disease especially. The lymphatic system can therefore be used as transport and defence. It is essential to return the fluid and proteins that have got out through blood capillaries into the blood system and it is also in charge of picking up products of fat digestion in the small