Difference Between The Devil And Tom Walker
I believe that the story with the most powerful moral lesson was The Devil and Tom Walker. The tale of Tom Walker teaches the important message of working hard for items that you desire such as money. Washington Irving, the author, uses the Devil to show all of the bad parts of humanity and how they are brought out in Tom Walker. Additionally, this theme is still very important today. Throughout the story, Tom is a very greedy man that tries to take the easy road through life, and this is shown by him taking a shortcut home. While on the shortcut, Tom is met by the Devil because the Devil shows up when someone attempts to take the easy road. After Tom makes a deal with the Devil and becomes very rich his life ends by the Devil taking him
away after Tom tries to avoid the Devil. In essence, I feel that the theme about hard work from The Devil and Tom Walker is the most important of the three Dark Romantic stories because it applies very strongly to our culture today.