
Differences And Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Differences And Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
William Shakespeare, the author of Romeo and Juliet, wrote one of the most well known love stories in 1597. Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, are on opposite sides of a long lasting family feud. Romeo was sulking in a grove of sycamores, remembered Rosaline, and thought to himself," I want her to love me." Romeo's cousin, Benvolio, advises him to move on and find a better woman. That night, the Capulets held a feast where Romeo and Benvolio sneak in wearing masks. Romeo still moping, spots Juliet and instantly falls in love. Eventually, they talk and figure out they are attracted to each other. Before Romeo leaves the feast, him and Juliet kiss each other not even knowing one another's name. When Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio leave the estate, Romeo jumps over the orchard wall, not wanting to leave Juliet. …show more content…
Romeo and Juliet exchange vows to marry each other, love each other, and ignore each other's last names. Friar Lawrence, Romeo's friend and priest, agrees to marry them in secret, hoping the marriage will bury the family feud. Benvolio and Mercutio run into Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, who is aware and furious that Romeo snuck into the Capulet's feast. Tybalt challenges Romeo to a dual; however, Romeo begs Tybalt to hold off the fight until he learns an important fact (Romeo and Juliet's Marriage). Mercutio volunteers to fight Tybalt instead, and Mercutio is killed. Romeo, infuriated, kills Tybalt and evades the location. Romeo is then banished from the city by the Prince. Juliet's dad has arranged for Juliet to marry the prince's son, Paris, ignorant of the fact that Juliet has married Romeo. Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a potion that makes her appear dead for 42 hours. The night before her wedding with Paris, Juliet drinks the

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