Narrator: Overall, many events in American history has shaped Native people as a whole, but individually they all handled it differently. From the first step in a New World, the Colonists changed how the Native people diversified themselves, adapted to an ever-changing world full of disease, horses, and alcohol, how the Natives organized their society, and how they would be able to remain true to their Native roots without adopting European customs. Each of these tasks was a further step for a colonial foothold in Indian America.…
European immigrant males discovered that the Native American men and women’s roles in domestic culture differed from their traditional ways. The Native American women maintained the home place and the male role was to hunt and fight, to the degree that the males would mostly live in the woods. The European women soon learned to what degree the Native American women were held to and found that the Native American woman’s life was more appealing than their own oppressive life. There were many European women that eventually migrated to this Indian culture and refused to return to their traditional lives with European men. This way of life also appealed to younger European men, who had to toil under the direct supervision of their fathers. The freedom of the woods seemed much more appealing to them. There was also a cultural change for the Cherokee male in that after becoming accustomed to trading with the Europeans, their role turned from hunter to income producer. These cultural changes defiantly had an impact on both the Europeans and the Native Americans as well. I believe that the European women that refused to return to their traditional ways and decided to live with the Native Americans could have been the very beginnings of the women’s movement for equal…
The cultural interactions between the Europeans and Native Americans shaped the European culture in the New World positively in many ways, a few of them being food supply, trade and hospitality. The Native Americans were very friendly and helpful when the Europeans came over. They began to shower the Europeans in gifts of food and goods in hopes for the same in return. The Native Americans not only offered some of their own food supply they also gave them tips and taught them how to grow crops successfully. Due to this kindness the Europeans were able to control and create a sustainable food supply. The Natives also traded some of their goods with the Europeans; this gave the Europeans the resources they needed to survive and to create a trade…
There is no doubt that the introduction of Europeans from overseas had a major and lasting impact on the Native American Indians throughout the Americas. Trade with the newly arrived white man affected any and all aspects of Indian life. Now introduced to new materials, tools, weapons, and pathogens things were in a whirlwind. Indians lifestyle and the way they went about their international diplomacy and warfare changed and would never be the same again.…
Columbus noticed that the Native Americans were well formed in their physical features: handsome bodies, good faces, and coarse hair. He also noted that they used body and face paint. Some would use it only on their eyes, while others would coat their entire body in it. In comparison to Europeans, they had wider faces and foreheads and flatter stomachs.…
Native Americans believed that land is to be preserved for future generations, only temporary use, you only on the crops and anyone in the village can use it. Differences in opinions with Europeans would cause many future conflicts. In the early 1600’s settlers in Jamestown had problems with the Powhatan confederacy after a colonist killed their leader. Other settlements such as Plymouth fared better with the natives. A Patucet Indian named Squanto saved the pilgrims by teaching them how to farm.…
1. This is false characterization because several tribes of Native Americans, such as the Incas and the Mayas, constructed complex political and agricultural systems; as well as developing their own written language and numerical system. Although some lesser known tribes of Native Americans were indeed nomadic, such as the Aztecs, by the time the Europeans had settled nomadic tribes were scarce.…
During the 16th and 17th centuries, when the Europeans started to come over to the new world, they discovered a society of Indians that was strikingly different to their own. To understand how different, one must first compare and contrast some of the very important differences between them, such as how the Europeans considered the Indians to be extremely primitive and basic, while, considering themselves civilized. The Europeans considered that they were model societies, and they thought that the Indians society and culture should be changed to be very similar to their own.…
A brief introductory, of the first contact Europeans had with native people was pleasant and thrilling. Other Europeans had different attitudes and opinions about prehistoric people that would dictate their relations with the native people they first encounter and define the Indians for centuries. On October, 1492-1493, the first Spaniard colonist to contact the native Indians in America is Christopher Columbus during his first voyage he discovered the indies accepted everything of small value and gave what they had very willingly. Based on appearance they were of people of very poor in everything. They are naked, with the age of 30 or less.…
One major difference in belief was the difference between how the Native Americans and the Europeans felt about land ownership. Owning land was important to the European settlers as land meant wealth. However, the Indians believed that no one could own land. They hunted only what they could eat, so populations of animals could continue to increase. As more and more settlers arrived, they took more and more land and overhunted. They demanded that the Indians stay off their land. Another problem between the settlers and the Indians involved their different views on religion. The settlers thought Christianity was the one true faith, however the Indians had their own spiritual beliefs. The European settlers did not understand that the Indians were…
European and Native American ideas of freedom differed in that liberty and freedom were concepts that were natural ingredients to Native American government, where as for Europeans, freedom had a lot more to do with “Freedom in Christ” rather than freedoms within the government. Even though in Europe, women were being burned alive for being suspected of being witches and criminals were publicly whipped, they thought that the Natives were barbaric because they had no formal government. In addition, Eric Foner says, “In a sense, they were too free, lacking the order and discipline that Europeans considered the hallmarks of civilization” (Foner 13). European’s sense of freedom was based upon many historical and literary aspects, but one that draws major distinctions between Europeans and Natives in the concept of Christian Liberty.…
First and foremost, the Iroquois use allusions to Native American tradition gender roles in order to teach the younger generation how to be proper Iroquois husband and wives. For instance, the Iroquois warns that if young girls have curiosity or nag their husbands, they will get summarily pushed out of their protective society just so quickly as the “husband fed up with all [the demands] [his wife] has made on him, pushed her.” These allusions create substantial fear in the younger generation, enough to educate and change behavior.…
The discovery that Native Americans' culture is not static, is a relatively new one. With the aid of modern archeology, we now know that the Natives were very complex and were ever changing. The evidence we have now is still basic, but we can still learn a lot from it. Because of the lack of evidence, a lot of controversy is attributed to Native Americans. Some people believe that Natives were perfect beings, living in harmony with nature and others believe that they were savages due to human sacrifices, wars, etc. Natives are also often compared to Europeans who like them, engaged in warfare as well. One large difference is that Europeans had more capability to cause destruction compared to the Natives, due to their technology and organization…
They had strong, central leadership while the Natives tended to do things in harmony , consensus . They also had a little regard for women , while many Native cultures were actually matriarchal which means the group or family is led by the women , the women's leadership was more powerful than any other men's . Europeans passed information along through writing. Native Americans passed information verbally and had no written language. They did use symbols for…
Risky Relations: A closer look at the relationships between Native Americans and European settlers during the seventeenth century…