If your car is destroyed in an accident or stolen, the insurance carrier may decide that it's a total loss and pay you the fair market value for your vehicle. Unfortunately, this amount is usually enough to replace the vehicle, which may cost much less than the original purchase price of the car, and even less than what you still owe if you haven't had the vehicle for very long or if it depreciated rapidly. …show more content…
This type of insurance is so critical that many lenders will require that you carry it if you financed your vehicle with an auto loan.
If you're unsure whether you need gap insurance, let the experts at Jenkins & Bevan Insurance perform a thorough review of your situation to identify your car insurance needs. With their wide network of insurance carriers, they'll be sure to have a policy that’s perfect for you. To learn more and to request a quote, just visit their website or call their office at (440) 984-6771