11. Henry Cabot Lodge: Senator Lodge, a critic to the president, came up with fourteen reservations to the Treaty of Versailles. These safeguards reserved the rights of the U.S. under the Monroe Doctrine and the Constitution and otherwise sought to protect American sovereignty.…
* President Wilson saw the problems that arose with the treaty and placed hopes in the League of Nations…
In the early years of this great nation we find to amazing men that wanted to preside over the United States in ways no others had attempted to do as of yet. They both had great ideas and in some ways were similar and yet others miles apart. They believed their way was gospel and this country would perish under the other so to speak. President Roosevelt was out to be our great Nationalist with a campaign based on a human welfare goal. However, Woodrow Wilson was out to be the first great Freedomist with a campaign based more on a property welfare goal. There are pros and cons from both sides when you think about it but the question is which is best for the United States and its future. It was a time for Progressivism here in the good old USA…
Wilson wrote a letter from his sick bed, to the other members of the Democratic Party. He urged them to continue debate on the League of Nations. He said a majority of Americans wanted the treaty approved.…
When we are writing about progressivism, there were three progressive presidents that were in the White House from 1901 – 1921. That was Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson. Between these three of our president together, it is said that they were very different however, they did have one thing in common reform policy and regulations in American Society. This here is about the election of 1912 when the current President Taft who was at the time said that he was not interested in a second term at heart. Theodore Roosevelt who endorsed Taft after he stepped down in 1907 became very unhappy with his actions at the White House, so decided that he would run against him however he was not…
The United States had entered World War I against many wishes of the American public, which made the ratification for the peace agreement an even more difficult task. Woodrow Wilson justified American involvement by claiming that an Ally victory would ensure a new world order. The war would be used as an instrument to "make the world safe for democracy". However, many Americans, government officials, and even the Allies did not agree with the progressive ideals that would be enforced to attain the peace that Wilson had desired and promised. This was made evident when Wilson's negotiations for the peace treaty were criticized and rejected by the leaders of the other Allied nations and isolationists. Even when Wilson acknowledged objections against his proposals, he refused to accept any compromises or different versions of the treaty. Therefore, both the inflexibility of Wilson and strength of the opposition forces led to the defeat of the Treaty of Versailles.…
Coming out of World War I, the United States emerged as the most powerful nation in the world. The president at this time was the Progressive Woodrow Wilson. Wilson came up with a plan for long lasting peace at the conclusion of the war called the Fourteen Points. One of these points was the League of Nations which was Wilson's favorite thing. This part of Wilson's plan stated, "A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike." However, the United States never signed the Treaty of Versailles and never became a member of the League of Nations. Opposition against Wilson's plans…
During the post-war era, political ideas and relations thrived with confidence. A large milestone in political relation of countries was the Washington Naval Conference called by President Harding. The Washington Conference was an effort to compromise; it was not a victory for any one nation. The four countries had good intentions and made an effort to calm the tensions in the Pacific. Secondly, the Kellogg-Brian Pact was an international agreement for all counties not to use war as a solution. A total of 62 signatures signed this treaty. Although this pact was a great solution to conflict, many believed that the United States should fully stay out of foreign country affairs. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge was very passionate about not passing Wilson’s Treaty of Versailles and removing America from any further relation with other countries (DOC A). On the other hand, the government ran into conflict with members of the population having anarchist views. Alexander Mitchell Palmer, Attorney General, began to start “raids” to deport or arrest suspected Communist or…
In 1919, President Wilson joined delegates of Italy, France, England, and Japan in the Palace of Versailles to negotiate peace. When the conference was adjourned, the Treaty of Versailles had been created. However, the treaty was killed by Congress. It was not the strength of the opposing forces' argument, but rather the incompetence, rigidity, and obstinacy of President Wilson that lead to the Senate defeat of the Treaty of Versailles.…
“Woodrow Wilson became president of the United States in 1913, and would forever change interventionism and the role it played in the world” (pg. 628). I believe that President Woodrow Wilson and President George Washington were dissimilar in most of their beliefs. “President Woodrow Wilson believed that Latin Americans were inferior to the United States” (pg. 629). President George Washington believed in unity and making America stronger together. President George Washington discouraged Americans to get involved with foreign relations and try to solve disputes with peace and understanding.…
On July 11, 1804, what was said to be the most prominent duel occurred. The duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton was remarkable as it corresponded to the young, emergent nation because it illustrated the bloodshed that politicians would go through for their political reputation. Joseph J. Ellis spent an entire chapter discussing this conspicuous event for that very reason. Ellis purposely made this chapter the first chapter because he wished to provide evidence that supports his thesis and also catches the reader's attention.…
In this paper I will be comparing and contrasting the Presidential Legacies of Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson. Both Lincoln and Wilson faced troubles in their presidency. Even though the men dealt with two different wars and issues, Lincoln and Wilson both had to make drastic decisions that affected all of the U.S.A.…
Wilson states, “[The founders of the Government] thought of America as the light of the world as created to lead the world” (Doc F). This is going against America’s strong tradition of isolationism, which is displayed through Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality, the Monroe Doctrine, and Washington’s Farewell Address. Wilson was being stubborn because he was unwilling to compromise on the issue of the League of Nations (Doc C). Wilson wanted the Versailles Treaty his way, so when the treaty was amended, Wilson urged his supporters in the Senate to vote against it. Even though some liberals supported Wilson’s idea on the League of Nations, they also criticized his stubbornness. For example, W.E.B Du Bois criticized Wilson’s stubbornness by referring to it as his “idiotic way” (Doc G). Wilson attributed to the Senate’s defeat of the Versailles Treaty, but if he would have compromised, it is possible that the treaty could have been passed. However, Wilson’s stubbornness was not the main issue, the American people's fear of the United States would be drug into another war that they had little say so about. This is shown through the political cartoon “Interrupting the Ceremony” (Doc L). In the cartoon, the League of Nations is marrying the United States getting married to foreign entanglements. However, the Senate came to the rescue by interrupting…
If the United States joined it, many feared for America’s independence (Document F). However, if the United States did not join, then America would be in constant fear of their safety. President Woodrow Wilson and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge had differing opinions of the League of Nations (Keene, 230). Wilson’s argument gave an emotional appeal to the sacrifices of those who served the war (Keene, 230). This speech was not concerned with the selfish values of independence. It was centered on the safety of Americans who were directly affected by the war. Essentially, this idea should have been the founding principle of the position of the United States in the World. America should put the welfare of its citizens before the…
Carleton argues Wilson was not responsible for the failure of joining the League because Carleton felt that even if Wilson had agreed to the Lodge Reservation, how sure are we that by Wilson joining in, it would have been enough for America to get in the League? Carleton points out, “Under the Lodge Reservation, every signatory nation had to accept them before the United States could become a member” (194). He uses this proof to support his claim that if Wilson had agreed with the Lodge, but the U.S. still didn’t make it into the League because not all fifteen nations agreed to let us in, would we still be blaming Wilson? Carleton also states that if Wilson was as stubborn as he was made out to be, then he would have been a joke for a president. He was accused of not understanding world politics but in that day, what American statesman understood world politics more than Wilson? Carleton also dismissed the fact that Wilson was accused of not being able to compromise. He stated “If the truth of this accusation must rest on Wilson’s attitude during the Treaty fight, and I think it must, for he showed remarkable adaptability in other phases of his Presidency” (194-195). Given the situations Wilson was in as a president, from the stroke to dealing with the League, Wilson has had no choice but to adapt and compromise with certain situations. Carleton ends his claim with the focus more on Lodge because he procrastinated votes on the treaty for two weeks and made it…