
Differences Between Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Scene 1

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Differences Between Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Scene 1
It is a given that as times change, the situations that people can enjoy and relate to change as well. Works of art and literature become obsolete through the years, their appeal lost. However, classic novels and other pieces of long forgotten literature can be given new life through media reboots. Stories are reworked to appeal to a new, younger audience, often brimming with more action and drama to effectively catch public attention. The first scene in every movie is the most important as it can draw the audience in and set the tone for the rest of the piece. In Act I Scene I, Luhrmann’s movie version of Romeo and Juliet was more compelling and accurate in presenting the intended atmosphere of the original Shakespeare play through the use …show more content…
True to the original play, it is set in a public place of a 16th century town. Here, the scene opens in a town market place with Capulet servants picking on Montagues. They draw swords on each other. One would find the delivery of lines unsatisfying. All characters still remain calm, snooty, and even a little playful when at eachothers’ throats. The dialogue and acting lacks impact, and very little tension can be felt. Benvolio comes between them to make peace, when Tybalt strolls in, draws his swords, and reignites the brawl. Until this point, Zeffirelli sticks to plain, mid-height camera angles, which are great for dialogue but poor for adding interest. A montage of mob-dueling people follows the conversation, showing how the brawl has spread, causing across town. This incorporated a few dynamic angles, but not nearly enough to please. The plot shows little deviation from the original play, therefore incorporates action based on chaos, which one finds quite unappealing and tacky. The majority of the scene has no musical accompaniment, only the shouts of “Montague!” and “Capulet!” to fill the empty air. The Prince then gallops in, entourage in tow, to shout his death sentence. A light and melodic piece of music proclaims the introduction of Romeo and greatly improves the impression of the film. However, as Teach with Movies points out, the film “has been criticized for emphasizing the …show more content…
An immediate contrast is seen, as the movie is set in in Verona Beach, now an urban city reminiscent of Miami, a modern place of the 90s. The familiar setting immediately strikes the audience, as they can relate, picturing themselves as part of the action. A montage of violence and civil unrest, incorporating many dramatic camera zooms and angles, precedes the plot. The first scene opens to the Montague boys driving their decked-out convertible and listening to hip hop music, distinguishing the modern setting. The time gap starkly contrasts both the original play and the Zeffirelli movie, yet also evokes the contemporary and exciting aura that Shakespeare’s play must have given in its day. Many intriguing angles are created in the car chase. As BBC stated, “The frenetic camerawork drives the audience through the film as the ill-fated pair hurtles towards their doom” (BBC 1). The third civil brawl is set in a gas station. Capulet terrorizes the Montague boys when Benvolio arrives, calling for the men to put up their Sword-brand guns and end the fight. Tybalt, now a high fashion diva, enters the scene and begins to shoot. The characters’ attitudes and delivery of lines ease the fight into the scene, building tension through the panic and urgency in their voices. The superb acting is complemented by lines whose, “point is not to distract you from the words, as Zeffirelli did, but to lead you to them,”

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