Different Database Naming Conventions
1. After looking at the different database-naming conventions there are actually two that make sense to me. I know the homework says only one but these two are so close that they are practically the same and are sometimes referred to as such. What I am talking about is Pascal case and Camel case naming conventions. With Pascal case the first letter of each word is capitalized (UpperCase) and all other letters lowercase has no spaces between the words. Camel case naming convention has the first letter of the identifier in lowercase and every word after that starting with an UpperCase letter with no spaces between the words. If I had to pick just one of these, I would have to choose the Pascal case over the Camel case. I would choose Pascal case probably for the simple fact that for me it would be easier to start typing the identifier with an UpperCase letter. This type of naming convention makes the most sense to me out of all the others that I have seen because I think it is easy to read and there is less chance of getting data mistaken for something else. Like others that use under_score and hash-marks, these to me just seem to be more time consuming and for me not natural keys that I am used to on the keyboard.
2. I found six other ways of diagramming entities and relations. The six other methods of diagramming entities and relations are as follows:
a. Peter Chen’s diagram
b. Information Engineering
c. Richard Barker’s notation
d. Object Role Modeling (ORM)
e. The Unified Modeling Language (UML)
f. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
The similarities that I found are that Peter Chen’s, Information Engineering, and UML diagrams all use square cornered shapes for entities. Also that only Information Engineering diagram, ORM, UML, Richard Barker’s notation, and Peter Chen’s diagram contain the entity’s name in the shape that depicts the entity in the diagram. As for the attributes two of them are displayed inside the entity
References: Bolton, D. (2013, 01 01). C# Tutorial - An Object Oriented Approach to Programming. Retrieved 01 17, 2013, from About.com: http://cplus.about.com/od/learnc/ss/csharpclasses_5.htm
Hay, D. C. (1999). Essential Strategies. Retrieved 01 19, 2013, from essentialstrategies.com: http://www.essentialstrategies.com/publications/modeling/compare.htm