* Cover Page * Aim * Methodologies include; * Interview * Questionnaire * Participant Observation * List of focus questions on each methodology * Summary of; * subcultures * how identity is shaped and expressed * the difference between ‘personal’ and ‘social’ identity * Appendix
Aim: How does the subculture of this chosen group express themselves in ways of identity and interests?
Methodologies that have been used include; * Interview * Questionnaire * Participant Observation
Bias is the ‘point of view’ or ‘perspective’ that a person or methodology provides on a given topic. It is another person’s knowledge or perspective that is given.
Usefulness could be a person, source or methodology that provides own knowledge on a specific research question.
A bias in this methodology is of someone that has limited experience or information with Pokémon.
Usefulness in this methodology is of somebody’s own personal experience or knowledge in the area of Pokémon.
Name: Tiahnee Easton
Age: 16
What is Pokémon? “An anime that was then turned into a game where you are able to catch animal-like creatures and have them battle for you or if you're not into the battle scene, have them as your companions.”
What made you start liking Pokémon in the first place? “My friend who let me play her Ruby version on her game boy. My mum then bought my first game for Christmas and my obsession grew from there.”
What is your favourite Pokémon game? “Emerald Version”
If you could be any Pokémon, what would you be? “Charizard”
Is Pokémon gender orientated? “Course not”
What is your favourite Pokémon type? “Dragon and Fire types are very close on this one but I would have to say that Fire type wins on this one :)”
What is your favourite starter Pokémon? Charizard
Why do you like Pokémon? “I like the concept of choosing your Pokémon and raising them however you want. It’s