
Different Types Of Capuchin Monkeys

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Different Types Of Capuchin Monkeys
Capuchins are part of a subfamily of New World monkeys called cebines. The Capuchin monkey has been regarded as one of the most intelligent primates. This intelligence is what makes them my favorite primate. They are able to learn and apply this knowledge in performing tasks for survival, as well as things like assisting humans. Although there are several species of Capuchin monkeys that may slightly differ in habitat, size, color, and other characteristics of morphology, one thing they all have in common is their high level of intelligence and dexterity. Capuchin monkeys are part of the family of New World monkeys called Cebidae. As previously mentioned, within this family, they are also part of a subfamily called Cebinae. An article …show more content…
They range anywhere from twelve to twenty two inches in length and three to nine pounds in weight. With a tail the same length as their body, capuchins are able to not only grasp, but also manipulate objects such as food, tools, trees, etc. for their own benefit. As previously mentioned, they were named after their similitude to the Spanish Capuchin monks. Contradicting to their white colored chest, shoulders, neck, and face, a majority of their body is covered in either black or brown fur, which is where the comparison originated from, as the color scheme is comparable to the appearance of the robes and faces of the monks ( Another important aspect of a capuchin monkey’s physicality is his or her opposable thumbs. Not all primates possess this feature, which supports this New World monkey’s ability to use its hands with dexterity unprecedented by any other of its type (World Association of Zoos and Aquariums). Although not visible from its exterior appearance, a notable fact is that the average brain size of a capuchin is 79.2 grams (The Twenty Ten Theme). Just as their physical features, some of their unique behavior traits separate them from other primates. One thing that relatively speaks to their behavior is their diet. Cebus monkeys are omnivores meaning they eat both plants and animals. They find a vast variety of different foods from sources such as plants, fruits, trees, bugs, animals, …show more content…
Vaguely similar to the dynamic of human families that typically consist of children and parents, otherwise known as the heads of the household, capuchins live in groups ranging anywhere from ten to 35, that are headed by an “alpha” male and female. Being in such a position comes with certain privileges. For instance, unless the alpha male is away, he gets preference over mating with all the females, as well as eating first. Another comparative aspect of the capuchin monkey social structure is their general culture. They too learn how to behave based on what they are taught as babies by their mothers and other members within their group. The group acts as a family especially when it comes to their young. Also like human families, communication is the basis of an adequate home and living operation (The Twenty Ten

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