(1000 words)
1.0 Introduction
Business and financial performance are important to commercial company. This is ways to forecast the company’s future, sustain the Company’s critical success factors and solve weakness or turn e threat into opportunity to company.
1.1 Topic Chosen
The author has chosen Topic 8, “The business and financial performance of an organisation over a three year period” for Oxford Brookes University research and analysis project
Some definition of the key words in the topic which can be seen below: Key word | Definitions | Business | Commercial organization: a company or other organization that buys and sells goods, makes products, or provides services(http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/business.html) | Financial | Financial: pertaining to monetary receipts and expenditures; pertaining or relating to money matters(http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=financial) | Performance | Manner of functioning: the manner in which something or somebody functions, operates, or behaves(http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/performance.html) |
The author had chosen Digi, which is a public company listed in Bursa Malaysia Stock Exchange. An analysis of the company’s business and financial performance will be done for three years, for the financial year ended as 31st December, 2009 to 31st December, 2011. Digi has a website with a uniform resource locator – http://www.digi.com.my
1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic * Topic is an interesting topic which able author applies knowledge and technique of analysis skill of business and financial performance from author study in ACCA. These will enable author understanding in term of its accounting policy adopted and strategies used. * It give opportunity to author improve knowledge of organisation chosen by analyse business and financial performance of organisation. * These also enable author gains some experience and use such knowledge in working. *