The Digital Natives are a prominent concept because the digital technologies have had a huge significance on a lot of peoples' lives. The technology has improved extremely. The digital natives can be described as the people who are born after the year of 1980, Prensky (2001a) and they were born into a hyper connected world and they believe everything should be in demand in real time. These people are comfortable with the uses of computers. In contrast,not the all the people who are born after the year of 1980 is a digital native. Firstly For this assignment I will be talking about a digital immigrant and how they have adopted many aspects of the latest digital technologies .I will also be discussing an experience and age factors, economical factors. Finally, I will conduct an assignment by discussing the conclusion in a detailed.
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Digital Native and Digital Immigrant …show more content…
They prefer similar process, multitask, random access (hypertext) .They like their graphics before the text rather than the opposite. They prosper on prompt gratification. They like games to serious work. (Prensky 2001,p.1). I completely agree that Digital native people are different in the way they interact with others, study, write and work that is completely dissimilar from an elder generation. They interact with one another with a common digital culture. The marketers, advertisers and employers want digital natives to work with them because digital natives are fearless .They embrace and love the latest