Digital Learning vs. Traditional Learning
We have entered an era in which children, teens, adults are exposed to digital techonology. This rapidly evolving information technology, has become a driving force of great change in all social institutions.
Digital technology revolutionizes many of the ways we receive and use information every day. the advent of digital technology touches almost every aspect of modern life and has transformed the means of communication immensely. Perhaps no area holds more potential for such transformation than education. Digital technology makes informative content easier to find, to access, to manipulate and remix, and to disseminate. All of these steps are central to teaching, scholarship, and study. Together, they constitute a dynamic process of �digital learning
Indeed, one of the most exciting features of digital technology is its capacity to permeate society unrestricted by the walls of a school or the formal roles of teachers and students. new technology allows everyone to become teachers and students � creating digital learning tools, disseminating them broadly through the internet, and learning from digital content promulgated by others.
Teaching and learning in traditional schools, from kindergarten to graduate school, benefits from digital technology that enables new pedagogical methods and allows easy access to vast quantities of educational content. Examples of changes that capitalize on this potential include: * A planned online network for high school history teachers, allowing them to share advice and classroom resources (the subject of a more detailed case study found in section 2.1); * Classroom teaching enhanced with new media such as PowerPoint slides or video and audio clips (including the use of DVD clips in film studies classes, the subject of a more detailed case study found in section 2.2) * Extension of the classroom dialogue through mechanisms such as e-mail
References: * Dr Charles Duncan (2003) eLearn International Edinburgh * David Reinking (1998) Transformations in a post-typographic world * Johannes W. J.(1989) A Dutch, Replication Study Based on Salomon 's Model 46-47 of Learning from Television and Books. Retrieved from: * Chris Robertson (2010) Teachers Enrich Learning through Kids ' Books * David N. Welton (2010) Books vs. "e-books"? David 's Computer Stuff Journal Retrieved from: * Jodi Church (2009) is Online Education more effective than Traditional learning? Read Write Web. * Marc Prensky (2001) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon * Tavangarian D., Leypold M., Nölting K., Röser M (2004) * Grace Chen (2010) Public Classrooms Say Goodbye Textbooks, Hello e-Texts Retrieved from: