Dimensions of Culture, Values and Communication Our text describes culture as " the structure through which communication is formulated and interpreted. Culture deals with the way people live. Culture is learned through perceptions that are formed in various ways; where we are born and raised, the language we learn, the people and the environment with which we live and the psychological stimuli we encounter." (Chaney, pg. 6). Understandably, in order to effectively communicate with other cultures, we must first explore the culture to which we subscribe to acknowledge the ways that we present barriers and perceive cultural differences. This paper will explore my own cultural norms as predominant and subordinate, describe instances where others have been perceived as outside the cultural norm and attempt to describe a benefit to being an outsider. I was raised white Protestant in the suburbs roughly 40 miles north of Boston. The culture that I grew up in was predominately white Protestant with little exposure to other ethnic backgrounds in school or at home even though ethnicity was not far away. Believe it or not, I had not even seen an African American until I was roughly in the fifth grade even though they lived one town away. It was always understood that whites do not venture into their town and they do not venture to ours. I was always told that they "people of ethnicity" were lazy and relied on handouts more than work ethics to progress and provide for their families. I was
References: Chaney, L.H. & Martin, J.S.(2000).The Nature of Intercultural Communication. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.