Child development is a process every child goes through. This process involves learning and mastering new skills like sitting, walking, talking, skipping and tying shoes. The 6 areas of development are -
- physical
- creative
- personal, social and emotional
- problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
- knowledge and understanding of the world
- communication, language and literacy
Developmental delay is where a child has not learnt new skills that they are expected to have learnt at a particular age. Developmental delay can occur in any of the 6 areas of development. For example a child would be expected to walk between 9 and 15 months and a child that could not walk at 20 months would be considered to have a developmental delay.
There are 2 factors that could affect development:
- Biological - such as genetic or chromosomal abnormalities or illness and disease.
- Social - such as a child’s life experiences or exposure to harmful chemicals or parenting.
Education affects children’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Children learn to mix and socialise with other children which helps their social development. They develop a sense of belonging as a member of the nursery/school which helps their emotional development. Stimulating activities are provided which helps their intellectual development and fine motor skills are developed through every day activities. Without children being challenged in these areas it may be noticed they develop a developmental delay.
This also links into poverty with could affect a child’s development. If a child lives in poverty then it can affect their development in all areas. They may not have the opportunities to socialise with other children as nursery/school/playgroup fees cannot be paid for. It can also affect their diet, housing, education and aspirations and expectations. Families with a lower income may not have enough money to heat a house sufficiently for example or