Product Coke-Zero Pepsi Next Fresca Nestea Zero
Price . 355ml can =$1.20
.2L bottle= $1.89
. pack of 12= $3.99
. pack of 24=$9.99 . 355 ml can=$1.30
. 2L bottle=$ 1.89
. pack of 12=$ 3.99
. pack of 24=$9.99 .355ml can=$ 1.29
. 2L bottle= $ 1.89
. pack of 12=$3.99 . 355ml can= $1.80
. pack of 12= $6.99
Place MacDonald’s, Grocery stores such as( Fresh Co, No frills, Fortinos, Wal-Mart, Longos etc.), pizza pizza, subways Grocery stores such as Fortinos, restaurants such as Swiss chalet, convenience stores, wending machines at colleges and universities Boston Pizza, Grocery stores such as Wal-Mart, Wonderland food courts, convenience store Ethnic restaurants such as( Chinese, Indian, Italians), MacDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC
Promotion -By using advertising through TV ads.
- By using sales promotion: coupons, rebates, samples. -By using sales promotion such as coupons, rebates and samples will bring more customers towards the product.
- By using TV ads through advertising will let the customers aware of the new product. - By using direct response communication tool with consumers will help to generate a positive or negative response on calorie free soft drink. Those responses will be helpful to customize the product to meet the specific target markets. - By using advertising through TV ads.
- Social media such as twitter, Facebook
- By using public relation communication can seeks the influence of opinions held by customers about the company.
Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, William Rudelius, Christina Clements, Harvey Skolnick. The Core: Marketing Fundamentals (pp. 6-7) (2nd Ed.). Canada.
Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, William Rudelius, Christina Clements, Harvey Skolnick. The Core: Integrated Marketing