4. Discuss examples of recent macro political risk events and the effect they have or might have on a foreign subsidiary. What are micro political risk events? Give some examples and explain how they affect international business.
5. What means can managers use to assess political risk? What do you think is there lative effectiveness of these different methods? At the time you are reading this,what countries or areas do you feel have political risk sufficient to discourage you from doing business there?
6. Can political risk be “managed”? If so, what methods can be used to manage such risk, and how effective are they? Discuss the lengths to which you would go to manage political risk relative to the kinds of returns you would expect to gain.
7. Explain what is meant by the economic risk of a nation. Use a specific country as an example. Can economic risk in this country be anticipated? How? How does economic instability affect other nations?
9. Discuss the effects of various forms of technology on international business.What role does the Internet play? Where is all this leading? Explain the meaning of the “appropriability of technology.” What role does this play in internationalcompetitiveness? How can managers protect the proprietary technology of their firms?
Chapter 2
2. Discuss the criticisms that have been leveled against MNCs in the past regardingtheir activities in less developed countries. What counterarguments are there tothose criticisms?
3. What does moral universalism mean? Discuss your perspective on this concept.Do you think the goal of moral universalism is possible? Is it advisable?
4. What do you think should be the role of MNCs toward human rights issues inother countries? What are the major human rights concerns at this time? Whatideas do you have for dealing with these problems? What is the role of corporatecodes of conduct in dealing with these concerns?
5. What is meant by international business ethics? Should the local