Directing means giving instructions, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading the staff in an organisation in doing work to achieve Organisational goals. Directing is a key managerial function to be performed by the manager along with planning, organising, staffing and controlling. From top executive to supervisor performs the function of directing and it takes place accordingly wherever superior ??? subordinate relations exist. Directing is a continuous process initiated at top level and flows to the bottom through organisational hierarchy.
Importance of Directing
Direction initiates actions to get the desired results in an organisation.
Direction attempts to get maximum out of employees by identifying their capabilities.
Direction is essential to keep the elements like Supervision, Motivation, Leadership and Communication effective.
It ensures that every employee work for organisational goals.
Coping up with the changes in the Organisation is possible through effective direction.
Stability and balance can be achieved through directing.
Elements of Direction
The elements of direction that are briefed here under are Supervision, Motivation, Leadership and Communication.
"Guiding and directing efforts of employees and other resources to accomplish stated work outputs" - Terry and Franklin.
Supervision is an element of direction.
"Day-to-day relationship between an executive and his immediate assistant and covers training, direction, motivation, coordination, maintenance of discipline, etc." - Newman and Warren.
Supervision denotes the functions performed by the supervisors.
"Motivation is the complex force starting and keeping a person at work in an organisation. Motivation is something that moves the person to action, and continues him in the course of action already initiates." - Dubin.
Motivation is the core of management. Technically, the term motivation can be traced to the Latin word