I have given thought to this matter concerning myself. I’m a divorced Middle-aged woman, faced with the decision-making process of who will be my voice when I am no longer able to communicate my wishes. I think everyone should take the time to have the paperwork drawn up, as well as having a reliable person with whom they can depend on conveying their wishes. Having this understanding in place, when the time comes for a family to have to make these decisions will avoid undue distress and lessen the burdened of decision-making during a period of crisis or grief. Also, having an advance directive can also help reduce confusions or disagreements about the medical choices one wants to be made on their
I have given thought to this matter concerning myself. I’m a divorced Middle-aged woman, faced with the decision-making process of who will be my voice when I am no longer able to communicate my wishes. I think everyone should take the time to have the paperwork drawn up, as well as having a reliable person with whom they can depend on conveying their wishes. Having this understanding in place, when the time comes for a family to have to make these decisions will avoid undue distress and lessen the burdened of decision-making during a period of crisis or grief. Also, having an advance directive can also help reduce confusions or disagreements about the medical choices one wants to be made on their