For the driver, getting a citation with a hefty fine could be a long-term fine if not taken care of right away. His license could be suspended, and his fines could end up being bigger. A short-term consequence could be that the driver might have to go to driving school for a day. One day of driving school sound so much better than having a suspended license for several months. Being an officer, the pressure is on you to obey the laws as well. If you don’t issue some sort of warning, or citation, a long-term consequence could be termination. Living in a community, there are a lot of people, and especially children. Long-term consequences could be deadly. A speeding driver could kill an adult, or worse, a child. Short-term consequences are something that could be fixed easily. If a speeding driver hit a mailbox, or dented a car, those things are replaceable, and easy to
For the driver, getting a citation with a hefty fine could be a long-term fine if not taken care of right away. His license could be suspended, and his fines could end up being bigger. A short-term consequence could be that the driver might have to go to driving school for a day. One day of driving school sound so much better than having a suspended license for several months. Being an officer, the pressure is on you to obey the laws as well. If you don’t issue some sort of warning, or citation, a long-term consequence could be termination. Living in a community, there are a lot of people, and especially children. Long-term consequences could be deadly. A speeding driver could kill an adult, or worse, a child. Short-term consequences are something that could be fixed easily. If a speeding driver hit a mailbox, or dented a car, those things are replaceable, and easy to