A child, defined as a person under age 18, can be tried as an adult only if the child was age 14 or older at the time of the offense. Nearly all juvenile cases begin in juvenile court with a felony charge. The court must conduct hearings and make certain determinations before the child can be transferred to another court for trial. For a juvenile case to be transferred to an adult criminal court, it has …show more content…
Usually, juveniles and their attorneys fight to keep a case in juvenile court. But there are also advantages to being tried in adult criminal court. For example, minors have the right to a jury trial in adult court. Juries tend to be more sympathetic to a minor. Thus making it a little easier to convince or plea for lesser charges. In most places the jails are crowded and the courts are more likely to give the juvenile a lighter sentence.
Disadvantages of Adult Criminal Court
In adult courts juveniles can be eligible for more severe punishments such as life sentences without parole or even the death penalty. The juvenile will be placed in adult jails with adults while awaiting sentencing, rather than being held in a juvenile detention center. The staff is not geared toward the well being of the child in adult prisons/ jails. Also with adult charges it carries a social stigma. Juvenile records have sealing and can be expunged which makes it unavailable to the general public. But the adult courts its public …show more content…
This program provides structured learning training, anger control training and moral reasoning training. This program provides the youths with the ability to have the skills to cope with self-control when their anger is aroused. Each step teaches the youth to reduce their anger and become a productive citizen in society. The anger cycle is taught in steps beginning with Triggers, Cues, Anger Reducers, Reminders and Self Evaluation. Cage Your Rage: This program is designed to help juveniles understand and deal with anger by recording their feelings and actions. It will teach juveniles ways to not only recognize their anger but also control it through making appropriate choices. With group discussions one will analyze what causes anger, growing up with anger, how emotions develop, relaxation, managing anger, self talk, action controls, etc. Cage Your Rage for Women: Cage Your Rage for Women is an anger management workbook specifically targeted to women. The exercises are intended for women working with their counselors either individually or in a group setting. focus on women’s anger issues suggests that its content can be helpful to all women, not just those in counseling with a trained professional. Growing Great Girls: This program is a gender responsive life skills curriculum. It focuses on decision-making skills, social resiliency, critical thinking skills, emotional knowledge, self-discovery and practical skills