I. Introduction
Just like almost every other thing in the world, plastic surgery also has its own disadvantages such as causing addiction, leading to health problems and involving a highly cost procedure.
II. Body
A. Plastic surgery has the potential to become an addiction. (Casey Holley, 2011) 1. Patients have low self-esteem. (Casey Holley, 2011) - Never satisfied with their appearance. - Want to be perfect. 2. Patients not satisfied with the results. (Wikipedia) - Tend to ‘do it yourself’. B. Plastic surgery might lead to health problems 1. There’s a chance of infection, bruising or bleeding with any plastic surgery procedure. ( Mark Tutton, CNN, 2009) 2. Anesthesia complications can cause fatalities. (Nancy Serano, 2011) - Too much or wrong kind anesthesia cause patient drown in fluid or suffocate due to loss of reflex abilities.
C. Plastic surgery involve of a highly cost procedure. 1. Changing the form of body part is not viable for all. (iloveindia.com) - Cost a fortune to accomplish. - Surgeon fees, hospital fees and anesthesia fees, along with lost wages, medication costs and after care costs must also be factored in when considering the cost of plastic surgery. 2. Plastic surgery usage is limited to those belonging to the high echelons of the society. (iloveindia.com) - e.g Michaela Romanini: italian socialite, famous for her collagen abuse
III. Conclusion
Plastic surgery - way to enhance appearance but has disadvantages such as potentially become an addiction, lead to health problems and cost a fortune.
Disadvantages of Plastic
References: Natalie Kita. (Ed.).(2009). Risks and Rewards of Plastic Surgery. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from http://plasticsurgery.about.com/od/historyofplasticsurgery/a/risks_rewards.htm Pamela Barletta.(2007). Plastic Surgery, A New Addiction? Retrieved January 10, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Plastic-Surgery,-A-New-Addiction?&id=623159 Casey Holley. (2011, March 11). Disadvantages Of Plastic Surgery. Retrieved January 10, 2012, from http://www.livestrong.com/article/23750-disadvantages-plastic-surgery/ Mark Tutton, CNN. (2009, December 02). Model 's Death Highlights Plastic Surgery Risks. Retrieved January 11, 2012, from http://articles.cnn.com/2009-12-02/health/model.death.surgery.risk_1_cosmetic-surgery-surgery-risks-aesthetic-plastic-surgeons?_s=PM:HEALTH Elaine Magee, MPH, RD. (2009, March 08). Plastic surgery addiction. Retrieved February 5, 2012, from http://www.silverplanet.com/blog/recipe-doctor/plastic-surgery-addiction/55283 Jeffery Scott Shapiro. (2010, January 22). Our Sick Obsession with Plastic Surgery. Retrieved February 5, 2012, from http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/01/22/jeffrey-scott-shapiro-heidi-montag-plastic-surgery-addiction/