David Bartmess
Tim Ramsdell
Disaster Recovery Plan
This plan is intended to protect and recover company computer-based assets in the case of loss or damage to the existing systems. To be included in this plan are the backup plans, system protection, and recovery procedures. The theft of the server physical entity needs to be addressed first, since the physical loss of equipment cannot be totally compensated for. Having a window in the server room needs to be addressed, either by closing up the wall and eliminating the window, or by using more physical deterrents such as bars on the window that cannot be removed. Physical security is first and foremost a priority. If the physical layout of the room cannot be changed, the servers and other equipment vital to the company’s continuing efforts should be moved to an inside room with a door that can be protected with an entry lock system. The servers themselves need to be protected as well, by either attaching locking mechanisms to the server cases, or locking the server racks to prevent easy theft. Backups need to be done on a more frequent basis than once a month. Although the backup is being done to an exterior drive, the backups should be done on removable media, so that they can be carried offsite and stored in a secure place, so that subsequent thefts of equipment and/or natural disasters do not compromise the backups. Incremental backups should be done nightly, with a full backup done each Sunday, and the backup media taken to a secure offsite location such as a bank vault or dedicated storage facility. In the case of the possibility of flooding, whether it be from human causes or natural disasters, the servers should be located at high ground, or high enough to escape primary damage from the water. If the servers cannot be placed in a second-floor facility, place the servers in the server rack from the highest rack point down, to try to
References: What is a server cluster? (2003, March 28). Retrieved from Microsoft TechNet: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc785197(v=ws.10).aspx ASK.Com Wiki (RAID). (2013). Retrieved from ASK.com: http://www.ask.com/wiki/RAID#Scenarios_other_than_disk_failure Yager, T. (1999, April). RAID! Retrieved from ProQuest: http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/237181720