Disciplinary procedures, in parliamentary procedure, are used to enforce a deliberative assembly's rules. It is written form, step by step process which a firm commits it to follow in every case where an employee has to be warned, reprimanded, or dismissed. Failure to follow a fair, transparent, and uniform disciplinary procedure may result in legal penalties or damages and annulment of the firm's action.
Disciplinary procedure
Employer’s disciplinary procedure should include the following steps: 1. Application and Scope 2. General Principles 3. Informal Procedure 4. Formal Procedure 5. Investigation 6. Disciplinary Hearings 7. Formal Levels of Disciplinary Sanctions 8. Appeals
Application and Scope: the company’s standards of behavior, conduct and attendance from all its employees. The disciplinary procedure provides a framework for dealing with instances where employees are alleged not to have met the required standards of conduct. The procedure applies to all employees employed by the company under a contract of employment.
General Principles: it includes general information about the rules of company. Such as Informal Resolution, Investigation, Nature of allegations, First breach of discipline, Suspension, Right to be accompanied, Equality and Diversity, Confidentiality, Involvement of Human Resources, Appeals against Sanctions including dismissal and Timescales.
Informal Procedure: It is part of the normal supervisory process that managers bring to the attention of the employees the standards required and any failure to meet those standards. The purpose of these discussions is to ensure that the employee understands the nature of the concerns, expectations of improvements in conduct and where appropriate timescales and the nature of any support available
Formal procedure: Where the informal process has not led to improved conduct, or where the alleged misconduct is of such seriousness that