Lord Liverpool‘s government took office in 1812. At this time Industrialisation had already started to take effect which in term meant that workers were slowly becoming replaced because of the new machinery that was coming forward. At this point luddites came forward who were against machines taking over people because they saw the machines as a threat to their living. A reason of discontent here was that the workers who were left over had hard times when they experienced a decline in the conditions that they worked in and also a much lower pay by the hands of their merciless employers who wished to make as much money as they possibly could.
There was also a population increase which was out of government control which meant that as the population was growing there soon became problems for people who lived in poor conditions. Malthus suggested that the population increase meant that the amount of food would not be enough for the population and therefore the amount of food produced agriculturally would not be able to feed the amount of people. This was another reason for discontent as this resulted in poor health conditions, over-crowded places and a foul and uncomfortable place for the poor to live in.
The government’s economic policies had also caused discontent. First of all the Corn Law was introduced in 1815 which was to block all foreign corn from being imported into the country, this was done to protect the price of wheat in Britain, as in the time of war farmers did very well and they had lot of demand but not enough supplies to give out. The government simply wanted the landowner to have the same profits as they had during war. There was discontent because of the Corn Laws as there were riots and petitions against it. Another policy introduced was that Income Tax (pay tax on how much you earn) was abolished which did not affect the poor but the rich instead however and the