Communication is key for every organization or group to make progress and achieve results. Whether an organization be purely academic or for entertainment, it is through communication both will meet their goals. Discourse communities as defined by Swales are communities of individuals who meet together to achieve a goal. Although, having a goal and communication does not make any community or group a discourse community. The definition of discourse communities relies on the community to have specific lexis, the use of genres, and a threshold number of members needed to keep the community moving forward towards their goal.
As a college student I myself am part of a few discourse communities. In the following …show more content…
When a member contributes with any changes to the software and decides to upload their changes a “push*” request is sent which only updates the software on their branch, along with a push request a commit is required. A commit, is similar to a README file it lists all changes made to the software along with any existing bugs and specific implementation changes. A commit is meant to be short and concise but contains more specific details of the code which only may make sense to members of the project. Below is an example of a Git …show more content…
The ECS discourse community has an abundant amount of phrases and words to express themselves, but only a few are listed here.
The vocabulary of the programming discourse community primarily began as jokes or play on words to vent pent up frustrations from issues in the software. For example, Heisenbug is a play on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and “bug”. The most common lexical entry “bug” has its own legend told and sometimes denied by numerous computer science professors. It is speculated that the first use of bug began from a hardware error caused by a dead bug in the computer.
The lexical entries of the programming discourse communities poke fun at their issues and were a method of entertainment. Staring at letters and numbers is tasking eventually these members needed entertainment and they sought it through lexical entries.
Steam Online Community Genre and