This film depicts the true life events of an FBI investigation in Alabama, Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement. A murdered civil rights activist sparks the investigation into the town. The racist population and corrupt government officials are investigated and put up a fight to prevent the laws of the united states from affecting them. The discrimination here was one that has been ongoing in the southern portion of the United States for a very long time. Old habits die hard they say, and this is very true, as even in today’s society we see discrimination especially in the south. The KKK was the main discriminatory body in the south, although the population itself was very discriminatory as well. The south was raised in a cycle that put the idea in their heads that the white man was superior to everybody. There was nowhere for the people being discriminated against to turn for help because often times the KKK members were high ranking town officials including the Sheriff, the Mayor, and prominent business owners. In the end the investigation prevailed and was able to sort out the culprits. Unfortunately, the legal system favored the perpetrators at the time and the punishments were not as harsh as they should have been. The discrimination ran all the way up to the …show more content…
The Taliban was an oppressive ruling government of Afghanistan for a long time. Their religion was specifically very discriminatory against women. The focus of this film was on a young afghan woman who came from a household of women. At this time woman were not allowed to make their own money. Unfortunately, due to constant war and conflict saw the loss of all the men in their lives. With no way to make money, they decide to have their youngest daughter dress as a boy to make some money. Things work out for a while but the Taliban comes and recruit’s young boys for military training and it is only a matter of time before they find out that she is a woman. Her punishment is to be married off to an older man who already has three wives. The film ends with the husband cleansing himself after visiting her bedchamber. This sad story is true and unfortunately is still happening in middle eastern, Asian and African countries. It is all too common for the women to be treated as servants and brutally punished for no reason at all. Or they are sold as sex slaves. Being born a woman in other countries can be very bad for them. Discrimination against women however comes in many forms and is even seen in more developed societies. Women are still viewed as less than men, and this can be seen in our society by the wage gaps, and the fact that there are less women in science than men. Discrimination comes in