One reason to ban boxing is the fact that it is thought to have long term health effects to the boxer, diseases such as alzhezmers disease and Parkinson’s disease is common to a boxer as it is caused by numerous blows to the head which occurs constantly in boxing , one prime example of this is a boxer called sugar Ray Robinson as he was the argued as the man who changed boxing but sadly he passed away he died due to azhlmiers disease in 1989 April 12 , this was associated with his boxing career this shows that boxing may lead to a very uncomfortable after career
Addiontaly , critics argue that boxing should be banned as it is an inhumane sport .As the boxers aim is to intentionally hurt their opponent it shows it as a vicious sport but it is seen normal to the public eye for example , if you were to go attack someone in the street you would have criminal charges filed against you but just because they are doing it in a boxing ring it is fine , the public are paying loads of money for the big name fights in boxing to see a man or women punch each other senseless for 2 minutes before someone gets knocked out which is a waste of money , one example of an inhumane incident which happened in the boxing ring was boxer mike Tyson intentionally ripped his opponents ear off with his own teeth , this shows how