The 1930’s was a rough time for all of America. Experiencing a drought, the stock market crash, and it was overall a time of major poverty. This was the time of the great depression,an economical and industrial slump in 1929 and the upcoming years. Through all of this, they needed some sort of leisure or entertainment. This is where sports come into place. Sports like basketball, baseball, and boxing were just a few athletic examples that were an important part of the decade. Sports and its people through the struggles of the decade are what helped people get through the depression.
Basketball is a game played between two teams in which they compete to shoot a ball into a netted hoop. In the 1930’s the rules of the …show more content…
Boxing was one of the most culturally significant and popular sports of the time. In the 1920s boxing was officially classified as a sport after the popularity had grown. Universities like Yale and Princeton had their own boxing leagues and held competitions as every other sport did. Even though the economy was at a low boxers like Jack Dempsey became very wealthy. The explosion of popularity in boxing and the boxers did not happen until the 1930s(Rolling, 2014). Just like the other sports boxing had been hit hard by the depression. Some of the struggles included the boxers wages being cut. So, the boxers had quit instead of fighting for a higher pay. From 1928 until 1930 there was no one holding the heavyweight title for no one wanted for fight for such a little pay. Despite the little pay and lack of boxers, the sport began to grow even more. Boxing had become the second most popular sport of the decade. Boxing had reflected on the struggles on the struggle to survive that the people were involved in at the time. One of the large reasons that boxing was booming was due to gambling. The viewers would place a sizable bets on who they believed were going to win. This provided Americans some hope on getting a little bit more money and provided them with some fun. Boxing had become so popular that they broadcasted it on the radio so that Americans could experience it without …show more content…
The sports and the people playing then did have a rough time, but in the end they kept going and boosted our economy just a bit more. Basketball, Baseball, and boxing were just three of the sports that helped Americans get through the depression one day at a