Course : DVA 1601
Due date : 22 March 2013
Title: Discuss how hunger and malnutrition influence the health and development of communities. Then explain how community participation and national political commitment can help to address the effects of hunger and malnutrition.
Table contents
1. Introduction
2. Definitions of health, hunger and malnutrition
3. Effects of hunger and malnutrition and how the two concepts are linked
4. How community participation can address these effects
5. National Political commitment
6. Examples of community participation and national political commitment and how they can address the effects of hunger and malnutrition
7. Conclusion
8. References
In my assignment I will explain the effects of hunger and malnutrition on the health status of communities. I will also describe how community participation and national political commitment can assist to address these effects. The main purpose of this assignment is to discuss the social, physical and economic effects of hunger and malnutrition and how each is illustrated. The World Health Organization defines “health” as a state of a complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity. Firstly we would look at the health and the development of a community and secondly we would look at discussion of primary health and community participation. Lastly I would give examples of community participation and National political commitment. I will focus on the primary health care of the communities and also look at the development and effects that influence Health and development of communities. Community participation is a complex and on-going process through which people are enabled to exercise varying degrees of influence over development activities that affect their lives. National political commitment is whereby a government design policies and implement the way things
References: 1. World Bank (1993:55)in Hennie Swanepoel and Frik De Beer,1stEdition Introduction to Development studies,1997:184 2. (Hennie Swanepoel and Frik De Beer, Introduction to development studies 1st edition: 1997:184) 3. (Regan C 80:20 Development in an unequal world, Fifth Edition: 270) 4. (Article about Kids Health,1995-2013) 5. (D.A Kortze:6:52) 6. (Hennie Swanepoel and Frik de Beer, Introduction to development studies 2nd Edition:2000:187) 7. (Hennie Swanepoel and Frik De Beer Introduction to development studies 1st edition: 1997:109).