As we look at a country of origin, such like India, ‘brain drain’ is a factor that increases the disparities within the country. Brain drain refers to the emigration of well-educated, knowledgeable and skilled professional from their home country to another; this is an example of the increase of disparities of a country. Brain drain occurs mostly in LDCs where career opportunities and higher education is very limited, thus having people migrate to MDCs in search of more opportunities. The education system in India is one of the top in the world, however once Indians graduate they tend to leave India to move to other countries, such as the USA, in search for better job opportunities. As the more skilled and educated people of India migrate, India is left with the less educated, elderly and also there if a rise in the female proportion as men are more likely to migrate.
As for a way that India is able to reduce disparities in their wealth and development, this is through the process of remittances. Sending remittances from the destination country to the country of origin to help increase, for example, the standards of living of one’s family. The money sent back is not taxed so families back home would get the exact amount. India is the world’s leading receiver of remittances, which claims more than 12% of the world’s remittances in 2007. The act of sending remittances has helped India’s GDP rise by 3%. Another way that