Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. The reasons for migration can be economic, social, political or environmental. There are usually several push and pull factors behind the choice made. Migration has always been present, starting when people navigated to conquer and discover new regions.
The migration pace has boosted significantly since the eighteenth century, where the involuntary slave trade still occurred. Since then it has gradually increased. One of the most influential reasons for this was industrialization, as the expansion of the global economy revolutionized the labor market.
From then on, millions more were migrating due to labor, refugee or urbanization migration. This meant that agricultural …show more content…
workers left the countryside and moved to the cities, resulting in unprecedented levels of urbanization. Even though this phenomenon began in Britain, it spread around the world, continuing to this day in many areas. One of the current examples of this is the Mexican Migration to the United States.
Despite the fact that the Mexican to United States migration began several years ago, it is still contemporary and generally, an area of contention for U.S.-Mexico relations.
This specific migration flux was initially encouraged by the USA, so that Mexican workers could be recruited to help ease labor force shortages in their economy. Their aim was to help develop the country by constructing rail railroad system across borders and etc.
Mexicans opted to move or not by validating the reasons presented next. The pull factors, those whom attract people to a certain place, include the fact that Mexicans believed that by moving to their neighbor country they would have improved living standards, enjoyment, education, medical care, security, higher wages, more and better jobs available and more.
Furthermore, the settling into the USA from Mexico could be considered easier than usual as the participating countries bordered. This meant that the transportation of your goods was made easier and quicker. Mexican newcomers consequently tend to settle in nearer locations such as Texas.
Forceful push factors for Mexicans living in their country also catalyzed migration. The incomer could have been exposed to situation that included poor medical care, lack of jobs and opportunities, basic conditions, possibly political fear, loss of wealth, basic investment and …show more content…
However, notwithstanding the fact that they were initially encouraging it, after reaching a period of adequate labor supply, the United States began to discourage the flow of Mexican migrants to their country.
Despite the restrictive U.S. immigration laws, Mexico continues to be the leading country of origin for legal and illegal migrant workers into this more economically developed country, outsizing other immigrant groups. In 2008, there were 11.4 million Mexican immigrants in the US. This is 30.1 percent of all US immigrants and 10 percent of all Mexicans. Of these people, over half of them reside illegally. Furthermore, recent evidences suggest that this immigration gas slowed down due to the recession that is taking place in the US.
Moreover, the Unites States of America also wanted to diminish the migration flux as the effects of it were significant. The points they strongly considered were that the mixing of different cultures and diffusion of races often lead to changes is social behavior. It could either impact the population in a positive way, such as more cultural experience and new knowledge; or in the negative way, leading to social tension between majorities and minorities, racism, racial discrimination, increase in criminality and etc. In addition to this, the economic results were the greatest in importance; unfortunately they could be seen as a drawback as the settlers increased the food, job, houses and other demands.
Alongside the current Mexican migration to the United States of America, there have also been significant migration fluxes in the past years. An example of a historic migration pattern is the one of Italians moving to Brazil.
Along the centuries, Italy has been known to be a country with a large history of emigration and a very short experience in immigration. The country’s emigration rate accelerated in a significant scale in the 1920’s. During that period of time, over 26 million Italians moved to foreign countries. Half of the Italian population went towards other European countries, while the rest moved towards South America, more specifically Brazil.
Most of the Italians were emigrating as they were in search off a better life with good conditions.
This was particularly idolized and searched for as Italy was suffering from the catastrophic post war situation.
There were many push and pull factors that Italians had to consider before immigrating to Brazil. Some examples of push factors were that the Italians were in need of an economic change, as their own situation was collapsing, moving slowly and difficultly towards any development. This was mainly due to the effects of World War I. Furthermore, the rate of unemployment began to rise quickly, as well as poor harvests, land seizures, lack of beneficial investments, political conflicts like opposition, and the constant need for raw materials.
Brazil was seen consequently as an option for a new location. The Italians idolized it, believing that the country, at that time, could offer Italians all they could hope for: a better, safer and more stable life. There were also several other pull factors that inspired Italians to settle in
In the 1920’s, Brazil had a vast land, saturated in rich minerals. The Italians generally knew how to generate money from this productive soil. Therefore, the Italians saw this as a profitable, stable, beneficial, simple and realistic job opportunity. Thousands concluded that they would move to make money as farmers and eventually grow some of their own crops.
Another pull factor that drew Italians to Brazil was the way that the Brazilian economy had grown considerably in the second half of the nineteenth century. At this stage coffee was the predominant reason to why the economy had developed in such extent. The coffee production was also responsible for 63 % of the country's exports. It brought a wave of almost one million European immigrants, mostly Italians, most of which at that point had become successful farmers due to their coffee plantations.
Their success linked them directly to the country’s government as it was the centre of the economy. The government relied completely on their work and, consequently they were closely monitored as without them the countries economy would quickly fall
Eventually, over the years the Italian migration to Brazil decreased significantly as we can see from the table. This can be because of the changes Italy conquered, making life in that country more stable, safer and more appealing. In addition to this, the country also managed to redeem its powerful economy, sonly enough becoming an important and majorly economically developed country.
In conclusion, the Mexican migration to the United States of America and the Italian to Brazil migration are examples of a current and a historic flux of migration. The points previously made not only present the push and pull factors as to why they occurred in such way but also the effects of migration on a country and its citizens and more.