Organization’s latent goal is to survive and expand. To achieve this lofty goals, organization uses all resources at their disposal to achieve the objectives. Resources such as bargaining, negotiation, intimidation, cajoling. Just like we have in the political arena, members within organization compete for status and power.
2) Explain the inherent management aspects of front-line police and corrections officers’ duties.
Duties carried out by both front line police and corrections officers could be described as managerial sometimes. They are known to influence the direction of the organization policy. Even though they are not part of the top management level, …show more content…
When an environment changes, an organization must be able to gather, process, and disseminate information very quickly. Decision making is decentralized.
7) Discuss task specialization.
Task specialization is the process of dividing the work into smaller tasks with high levels of task specialization suggesting that each person perform a very narrow range of activities while a low specialization task employees perform wide range of tasks.
8) Describe the budgeting process in public organizations.
Public budgeting practices originated as a means of holding public agencies and officials accountable for the expenditure of funds. The agency head prepares and defend the budget and following its approval by the appropriate authority, the agency head is responsible for the execution of the budget as passed.
9) Explain span of control.
Span of control refers to the number of employees reporting to any one supervisor. It depends on the agency size, the tasks of the personnel and the skill level of the employees.
10) What are Gilbert’s criticisms of classical organizational structures as it pertains to correctional and police