West, Carolyn M. "Black Women and Intimate Partner Violence." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 19 …show more content…
The authors present the rates of domestic violence for both African Americans and whites differ by their type of community and the correlation between race and domestic violence that are greatly reduced or disappears altogether when whites are compared to African Americans in the same way where they are both “affected” in the economy. This relates to our research question as the level of risk factors for domestic violence appear to happen similarly for both African Americans and whites however, not as substantially in the white economy. This is important to showing in the real world, many more African Americans live in disadvantaged situations than whites. This information might serve as a world wide discussion to the relationship between race and domestic …show more content…
Rumptz. "Adjustment and Needs of African-American Women Who Utilized a Domestic Violence Shelter." Springer Publishing Company 9 (1994): 275-86. Web. The authors, sponsored by Michigan State University, presents research on African American women who goes into a domestic violence shelter. The article explores the experiences of 60 women from 6 months prior to entering a shelter through a 10-week program. This article shows that African-American battered women who use domestic violence shelters faced many of obstacles. This relates to our research question as we are taught that the African American economic context has an impact on their domestic situations. Most of the African American women been severely abused, were likely to be living below the poverty line, were unemployed, and were in need of numerous resources. This is important as it shows the difference between the lives, overall, between blacks and whites. This information might serve well not only to help woman who suffered from abuse but to help black women have an economic change as violence is one result from their