Gender refers to the social, psychology and behavioural aspects of being male or female. In other words, masculinity or femininity, however this is different from Sex, which is the biological fact of being male or female. This is normally identified by chromosomes and genitalia. The hundred of genes we have in our 23 pairs of chromosomes carry information about our physical and behavioural characteristics. The sex chromosomes are thought to determine biological sex. There is usually a direct link between chromosomal sex and external genitalia and the internal genitalia.
Gene abnormalities can lead to problems in gender development. Kleinefelters syndrome occurs when a foetus possesses an extra X chromosome in addition to the normal male XY. They will develop as a normal male but in puberty the extra chromosome prompts the development of female attributes such as breasts, and also means the individual is infertile. Turner’s syndrome results in an individual being born with a single X chromosome and they are called XO individuals. They are born with female genitalia but ovarian development is irregular and they are also infertile. They may also lack secondary sexual characteristics, and as a result may feel like incomplete females and can cause gender role confusion. Both of these conditions demonstrates the importance of genetics in healthy development.
However, a criticism of saying that defects in genes can cause gender role confusion and lead to problems in gender development comes from Willerman. He suggests that we should not expect too much of genetics differences between males and females because they share 45 out of 46 chromosomes and the Y chromosome carries the least amount of genetic information.
Although this is true, chromosomes only initially determine sex, hormones govern most of gender development. Hormones are produced in the womb and there is a surge of