Three abnormal assessment findings for an adolescent are as follows: malnutrition, obesity, eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
First and foremost, being sensitive to the patient’s self-image can be crucial. Talking with them in a non-judgmental way can be key in maintain a great relationship with them. Once we establish a trusting relationship, we as nurses may begin to promote health and adequate nutrition through teaching methods. Even if the nutritional issue is outside our comfort zone we may reach out to another professional for guidance, such as a Registered Dietitian. If we didn’t have to take that big of a step we can always use not only our knowledge, knowledge of coworkers and other medical professionals, but also the books and other various tools that we have used on our educational journey. Discussing BMI according to the adolescent’s gender and age is an important factor in health promotion. One helpful guide to healthy eating is the My Pyramid. Physical activity with healthy food choices is a great way to manage your weight and maintaining your overall healthy body. Many adolescents like to skip meals or have irregular meal patterns. I know first-hand that we have busy lives but being able to be consistent and eat healthy or the healthier of choice of meals will allow us to continue to maintain a healthier body. A healthy diet should be balanced with adequate physical activity. I know some people work late nights so food choices are much more limited in this scenario. Choosing foods that aren’t high in fat