Stress, Personality, and Illness
1. Describe the Type A personality and evidence regarding its most toxic element.
2. Understand possible explanations for the link between hostility and heart disease.
3 Summarize evidence relating emotional reactions and depression to heart disease.
4. Discuss the evidence linking stress and personality to cancer.
5. Summarize evidence linking stress to a variety of diseases and immune functioning.
6. Evaluate the strength of the relationship between stress and illness.
Habits, Lifestyles, and Health
7. Identify some reasons for why people develop health-impairing habits.
8. Discuss the health effects of smoking and the dynamics of giving up smoking.
9. Summarize data on patterns of alcohol use and social costs of drinking.
10. Discuss the health risks and determinants of obesity.
11. Outline the key elements in effective weight-loss efforts.
12. Provide examples of links between nutrition and health and three general goals to foster sound nutrition.
13. Assess benefits and risks of exercise.
14. List four guidelines for embarking on an effective exercise program.
15. Describe AIDS and summarize evidence on the transmission of the HIV virus.
Reactions to Illness
16. Summarize evidence on patterns of treatment-seeking behavior.
17. Explain the appeal of the "sick role."
18. Identify the factors that tend to undermine doctor-patient communication and how to improve it.
19. Discuss the prevalence of nonadherence to medical advice and its causes.
Chapter 6
1. Describe some key aspects of the self-concept.
2. Cite two types of self-discrepancies and describe their effects.
3. Describe two ways of coping with self-discrepancies.
4. Discuss important factors that help form the self-concept.
5. Understand how individualism and collectivism influence the self-concept.
6. Clarify