How FAE can be reduced by considering some external attributions (media, unemployment rates, violence, etc.) that perpetuate these issues
Examples of the external attributions you mention in your discussion. For example, a FAE about a poor person could suggest that the person is lazy and lacks motivation. Considering situational factors such as generational poverty, poor education, high rates of crime, and violence in that person's environment can help reduce the fundamental attribution error.
When studying external and internal attributions and how these relate to the fundamental attribution errors, I believe that it is entirely based on one’s own schemas. I have read the text and the lesson, watched videos, etc., and if you take into account what a schema is, it makes sense. A schema is when a person uses their own personal experiences to project meaning onto the environment or situations. It is how we make sense of the world, or use self-attribution and it is often skewed by those experiences we have had.
Internal attribution is when a reaction to a situation can be explained by a person’s own behavior or personality traits. The example from a prior assignment was the math test grade. The internal attribution the student used when getting an A is that they are good at math or being very intelligent, which are internal traits. When the same student gets an F on the test, the student uses external attribution in that the reason for the F is the instructor not teaching the material well, too much on their plate, etc. They blame the environment rather than their lack of studying.
Likewise, we will tend to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt regarding our own errors and blame external factors. When we judge other’s situations we tend to blame internal factors. We can reduce the fundamental attribution error by giving people the benefit of the doubt and allowing for more