First, The Europeans arrive in Americas during. The Europeans brought with them diseases such as. The Native had no immunity to counteract these diseases. These diseases created a epidemic that basically decrease an entire tribe. The Native American vast number of deaths made it difficult for them to fight against the major land take over by the Europeans
Source: Brinkley, Alan.2015. American History: Volume 1:to 1865. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education
Second, the Europeans were a threat to the Native Americans land so a war developed between the two., The Native Americans had hatchets and bows while the Europeans had rifles. The hatchets and bows were no …show more content…
The native American weren’t used to this lifestyle. The Native Americans exist on a malnourishing diet, these factors stated above would affect their ability to sustain even that low level of nutrition
Source: Powershow (2016) Disease and Depopulation among Native American in New England. Retrieved from
Fourth, the loss of the elderly and children prone to disease devastated significant portions of the population. Families were torn apart due to the death of family members who died because of not only from diseases but also from war. Illness and death due to disease and war caused a break down in the social structure of Native Americans. They missed annual hunting trips and also lost tribal leaders who provided wisdom for the tribes. The male Europeans who did not bring their wives to the new world slept with the female Native Americans. This also caused for increase in mixed
Source: Brinkley, Alan.2015. American History: Volume 1:to 1865. New York, NY: McGraw Hill