.2. Diseases and slavery went hand and hand. The Europeans brought over diseases that they were immune to. Since the Native Americans weren’t used to the diseases from Europe, they quickly caught and spread it everywhere. Many of the Indians died because they weren’t used to things like this. When Slavery was brought into the Americas, Many Africans were forced to lay on top of each other causing the spread of disease on the long boat rides there. Many people had to sleep next to dead bodies and they were afraid that they wouldn’t make it to land alive. Many people believed that being apart of the slave trade was a death sentence. All of these deaths from …show more content…
diseases were caused because the Europeans weren’t giving these people the right treatment and weren’t providing cures for them. The Spanish and Portuguese took advantage of these people and allowed the diseases to spread because it didn’t affect them.
The differences between the americas are mainly because the Spanish and the British forced their culture on the land that they claimed.The Indians and slaves had to follow the belief systems that were laid out for them by the “Old World” countries. If the Circumstance were flipped the french most likely would have been more involved. The Spanish culture only spread because the Aztecs were not very spread out like the tribes in North America. If the British took over South America, life today would most likely be completely different. The United States most likely would have been a Spainish/Portuguese country. If the lands were owned by the other owners history as we know it, could have been completely
4. Early history of the mexicans are completely different to present day history. Many people used to see mexico as just a friendly trading partner. Since the british and the spanish claimed their land the natives continued to trade with each other. While trade was continuing it led to them creating and spreading new cultures. The ideas and the culture continued to spread and now many things are used in the daily lives of americans. This created a huge combination of cultures. There has also been so much immigration from South America in the last few decades. This should be considered american history.