2.Spain was united into a nation state when the African Moors were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula. It was originally born out of the religious struggle between numerous beliefs. Following the Crusades and the Reconquest of Spain, the leaders of Spain needed a way to bring the country back together as a strong nation.
3.Spain looked west to find the Indies because in the fifteenth century, there was a theory that the world was flat. Spain sought out a westward passage to the Indies to potentially save time and money because the route to the Indies was extremely long. Portugal alsop controlled the African coast at the time of their voyage. …show more content…
4.When Columbus set sail he was originally looking for an alternate route to the West Indies.
He thought the Native Americans were actually Indians. Columbus also called them Indians because of their skin complexion.
5.In the Americas, the arrivals of the Europeans brought diseases, slavery, and war to many indigenous people.
6.The encomienda in the Spanish Americas was a legal system by which the Spanish crown attempted to define the status of the Indian population in its American colonies. It is mostly based upon the existing tribute from the Muslim and Jews. It provided a cheap labor