Final Project
Axia college
Many health care professional have great concerns about the growth of the aging population, chronic disease and the epidemic of obesity, and how will the United States healthcare system prepared for this continuing epidemic. The fact that the aging population along with obesity epidemic is a global healthcare concern, many health cares’ professional is baffled about how to address the growing epidemic that many American’s will face.
. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2003) the population aged greater than 65 years is estimated to reach 19.2% in 2030, an increase from 12.4% in 2000. To break the growth down by age; the population age 65 and older is estimated to increase from 35 million in 2000 to 75 million in 2030, and people age 80 and older will increase from 9.3 million to 20 million. Except for Alaska and California, 48 states, by the year 2025, will see an average of 15% of their population age 65 and older, led by Florida with 26%.
The aging phenomenon has several combining factors that play a part of the growing population; Age Dynamics: The elevated fertility rate (baby boom) from 1946 to 1964. Decline in Fertility Rate: The decrease of young people reproducing has caused an automatic increase of older people. Longevity increase: Life expectancy has increased 20 years due in part to improvements in healthcare and medical technology "The growing number of older adults increases demands on the public health system and on medical and social services.' ‘Chronic diseases, which affect older adults disproportionately, contribute to disability, diminish quality of life, and increased health and long-term care costs" (CDC, 2003). With the dramatic increase in the statics, the life expectancies has increased and healthier energetic life styles, currently enables people to live 20 to 25% of their lives in robust retirement. In