April 27, 2013
Loretta Owen
The wave of baby boomers will reshape the health care system forever. There will be more people enjoying their later years, but they’ll be managing ore chronic conditions and therefore utilizing more health care services ("Chd/center For Design Health", 2013). There will be more people enjoying their later years, but they will also be managing more chronic conditions and therefore utilizing more health care services. By 2030 the over 65 population will nearly triple, 6 out of 10 will be managing more than one chronic condition and one out of three, over 21 million, will be considered obese, with one out of four, nearly 14 million, living with diabetes, 1 out of every 2 will be living with arthritis, and eight times more knee replacements than performed today. At the turn of the century US life expectancy was 47 years of age. In 2002 (the last year for which data are available) it was 77 years. Why has that life expectancy nearly doubled? People are living longer because of lifestyle changes, advances in health care, fewer people smoke, heart and cancer survival rate has increased by 16%. Chronic conditions like Diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, obesity, alcoholism are the biggest factors influencing medical spending. In 2000 people over the age of 65 suffering from chronic conditions was 5.500,00 in is estimated that in 2030 this number will increase to 36.000,000. Those over 65 years old are more education and have financial assets to help them in their retirement years; however, they still worry about their ability to pay for health care during their retirement. Retirees change US demographic geography with their retirement choices. Most retirees prefer to move to Florida (14%) Arizona (12%) North Carolina (10%) California (8%) Texas (5%). Due to joint replacement and
References: chd/center for design health. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.healthdesign.org/ CDC - Chronic disease - Healthy aging at a glance. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/AAG/aging.htm Obesity, cholesterol and Heart disease. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/obesity-health-risks United Health Foundation, the American Public Health Association and Partnership for Prevention. (2009). the future costs of Obesity. Retrieved from http://www.nccor.org/downloads/CostofObesityReport-FINAL.pdf