Disregarding Character Education: Are We Creating the Next Menace to Society?
Amy M. Parsons Rasmussen
Grand Canyon University: EDU-310
October 1, 2011
President Theodore Roosevelt is credited with saying, “To educate a man in the mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” Historically moral or character education happened primarily in the home with reinforcement from the church and schools. Character education in schools appears to have fallen by the wayside due largely in attempts to respect parental rights and emphasis being solely on the success on state mandated testing. Some question whether teachers today should even be involved in the character education of their students. However, to share only knowledge without any context or structure of how one should use it is not only a disservice to the student but to society as a whole. Some would argue that by taking religion out of our public schools we have also taken away the foundation for any sort of morality or character lessons. The separation of church and state is often used to imply that religion has no place in any government sponsored endeavor. The separation of church and state is not to abolish religion or morals in schools. It is simply there to make sure no one is forced to participate or be a part of a religious celebration or practice that is not of their choosing. In an effort to protect every individual’s freedom of religion, teachers and administration are forbidden to “propagate or to endorse in any way the concepts of dogmas associated with any specific religion or belief system” (Larue, n.d.) This does not disallow any student sponsored event or club. Nor does it keep individual students from expressing their views or beliefs. Where ever there are people of religious faith, you will find religion, even in our schools.
We are constantly hearing about the problems schools are facing today. Low test
References: Barna, J., & Brott, P.. (2011). How Important is Personal/Social Development to Academic Achievement? The Elementary School Counselor 's Perspective. Professional School Counseling, 14(3), 242-249. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from Career and Technical Education. (Document ID: 2266726571). Elias, M., DeFini, J., & Bergmann, J.. (2010). Coordinating Social-Emotional and Character Development (SECD) Initiatives Improves School Climate and Student Learning. Middle School Journal, 42(1), 30-37. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2174506391). Larue, G. (n.d). Separation of Church and State: A Most Important Decision. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from, http://www.teachingaboutreligion.org/WhitePapers/ separation_church_state.htm Stiff-Williams, H.. (2010). Widening the Lens to Teach Character Education Alongside Standards Curriculum. The Clearing House, 83(4), 115-120. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2076353221).